Exercise “Parental Attitudes”

Sit back, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and slow, steady exhalations, and in that relaxed state, think back to your parents’ family, to your childhood. How do your parents react to your antics, caprices, misdeeds? What do they tell you? How would they finish the following sentences: “Children misbehave because…”, “Parents should…”? On the count of three, you can open your eyes…


  • What do you feel right now?
  • What feelings did you have while watching the video?
  • Did it make you want to do something?
  • Have you changed your opinion about your relationship with your child?

During the discussion it is necessary to differentiate actual attitudes on “helping”, i.e. rational, effective – and “hindering”, i.e. irrational, ineffective in the sphere of child-parent relations.