Practice “Parental Immersion”

Live immersion of parents into the atmosphere of a working classroom. Adults get the opportunity to be children for a while, and to experience the Montessori method in practice in order to understand it better.

Firstly, the teachers immerse the parents in a theoretical part about the stages of growing up and what happens during a certain period. Then parents are invited for a silent walk through the classrooms, from the “Together with your baby” group space to the classes for 3-6 year olds, where on the first day they can only look at the environment and materials, but not touch them.

Then parents MAY touch and explore everything. Parents choose their own materials to work on: some of them by heart call, others because the child told them about them, etc. Parents also do creative activities, participate in circles, have lunch: everything is just like their children’s everyday life.
Parents turn into a child of 2, walking around the classroom. In the finale of the first day, educators talk with parents about the logic of each classroom environment and share their impressions.

Besides the free work in the environment, the teachers simulated situations as with children in a group, used different forms of work (sensory circle, line exercises, etc.).